
Newsletter July Pulse Check

Newsletter: July Pulse Check

“Will Real Estate Ever Be Normal Again?” That was the headline for an article in the New York Times, not last week, but in November

Naples Manor Townhomes

Naples Manor Townhomes

AGM Financial Services, Inc. is proud to announce the successful closing of an FHA-insured $17,918,000 mortgage for the Naples Manor Townhomes located in Silver Spring,

Victory Tower of Takoma Park

Victory Tower

AGM Financial Services, Inc. is proud to announce the closing of an FHA-insured $8,900,000 mortgage under the 223(f) refinance program of Victory Tower in Takoma

Sheppard Pratt
Blog Articles

AGM in the Community

Baltimore is AGM’s hometown. We take care of our own by supporting several not-for-profit and civic groups that help those in need.  AGM’s founder and

dial pointing to normal

Newsletter: May Pulse Check

Here’s what we’re seeing and hearing: In a recent conversation with a borrower – a savvy operator with decades of experience and a large portfolio